AVTS Audio Visual Trade Solutions Bringing a little New York to Ireland!
  1. Healthcare (Irish & UK Market) The healthcare industry, in both Ireland and the UK, is perfectly poised to harness the advantages of digital signage. The necessity for efficient communication tools became even more critical during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. Healthcare centers needed a means to display real-time updates, enforce social distancing guidelines, and quickly mobilize their staff.

    Through a centrally controlled digital signage system, hospitals can disseminate vital messages across all screens within their facilities. It’s essential to invest in robust content management systems and media players that enable the streaming of diverse content to various digital signs.

    For instance, staff-facing displays in break rooms and offices can remind employees about upcoming training sessions, highlight staff schedules, and deliver emergency information. Meanwhile, waiting room digital screens can display wellness tips, entertaining content, and wayfinding information.

  2. Retail (Irish & UK Market) The retail industry, a highly competitive landscape in both Ireland and the UK, demands innovative strategies for survival. Today, brick-and-mortar retailers face numerous challenges, such as the surge in online shopping, maintaining customer loyalty in a sea of choices, and supply chain disruptions. Furthermore, retail businesses must adapt to evolving customer expectations.

    Fortunately, the adoption of digital signage can transform both internal and external communication in retail stores. Eye-catching animations and dynamic content on high-quality screens attract customers to your establishment. It’s noteworthy that 76% of customers in both regions enter shops they have not previously visited due to signage.

    Once inside the store, engage customers with visually appealing content that enhances their shopping experience. Display pricing information, product benefits, social media feeds, and discounts. Interactive displays allow customers to explore your catalog and encourage impulse purchases.

  3. Education (Irish & UK Market) Today’s students in Ireland and the UK are accustomed to smartphone and computer screens, and schools need equally captivating communication mediums to grab their attention. Static flyers on cluttered notice boards do little to engage students. In contrast, digital display solutions are captivating, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly.

    One significant advantage of educational digital signage is the ability for administrators to schedule playlists for different times of the day. For example, digital menu boards in school cafeterias can display the day’s menu at 11 am daily, while hallway signs remind athletes about practice schedules before classes conclude.

    In case of emergencies, staff can instantly deploy real-time alerts and instructions to every screen in the facility. Content ideas for digital signs in schools include athletic accomplishments, school policy updates, after-school activities, wayfinding information, and student-generated content.

  4. Hospitality (Irish & UK Market) Guest experience is paramount in the hospitality industry, whether in Ireland or the UK. In today’s tech-driven world, hospitality stakeholders are embracing technological advancements like digital signage to provide unforgettable guest experiences. From self-service kiosks and digital concierge stations to digital directories and digital menu boards, digital signage can elevate your establishment into a luxurious and tech-forward facility.

    Digital screens can highlight nearby attractions and promote other services in your business, such as guided tours, car rental services, medical services on call, flower arrangements, and luggage storage. Additionally, restaurants can leverage digital menu boards to upsell and cross-sell menu items, advertise specials, and display nutritional information.

  5. Financial Services (Irish & UK Market) Digital signage systems are invaluable tools to streamline internal communication and engage customers in the finance sector in both Ireland and the UK. These solutions support branding for institutions with multiple branches, using images and videos to tell your company’s story consistently.

    Vibrant animations on clear displays instill confidence in your clients and position your business as modern and sophisticated. Digital signs also keep your customers and staff updated on the latest financial market trends. For example, a video wall in a banking hall can highlight currency rates, loan and mortgage rates, and stock prices while advertising the bank’s products.

    Furthermore, digital signage is an excellent platform to reduce perceived wait times by entertaining customers with videos, slideshows, infographics, and photos.

  6. Government (Irish & UK Market) Public buildings are often associated with long queues and outdated technology, but digital signage has transformed the way local, federal, and national governments communicate with the public and staff in both Ireland and the UK. Government digital signage serves many purposes, from court docket displays that show court details like case numbers and presiding judges, to digital directories that manage traffic and lobby signage that entertains and informs waiting visitors. 

  7. Worship Centers (Irish & UK Market) Digital signage is a solution to many challenges faced by worship venues, including attracting worshippers, effective branding, seamless communication, and improving wayfinding. For example, wayfinding digital signs at entrances, hallways, and lobbies ensure that visitors arrive at sermons, Bible classes, and events on time. Multizone displays can provide different information to your congregation simultaneously. You can stream live sermons in one area while sharing inspirational messages and announcing upcoming events like weddings in other sections. Colorful calendars on ultra-HD screens keep church members informed about upcoming programs. 

  8. Manufacturing (Irish & UK Market) Digital signage has numerous applications in the manufacturing industry, especially in Ireland and the UK. Digital signs motivate and engage employees, creating an inclusive environment. With a 37% employee turnover and absenteeism rate, stakeholders in the manufacturing sector need creative ways to retain employees. Recognize employees and teams for meeting targets on digital displays, keeping employees focused on company goals. Display current metrics and industry news to empower your team in their daily tasks. LCD and LED displays or projectors can also enhance safety on the factory floor by displaying safety and training videos and delivering real-time emergency alerts in case of fires, chemical spills, or accidents. 

  9. Transportation (Irish & UK Market) The transportation industry is witnessing increased demand for digital signage displays in both Ireland and the UK, as they guide travelers and enhance safety. In busy hubs like airports, railways, and bus terminals, wayfinding and check-in kiosks are invaluable for improving navigation and reducing queues. Additionally, digital billboards display real-time arrivals and departures to enhance the passenger experience. Given the increased time travelers spend in transportation hubs due to health and security measures, digital displays provide excellent entertainment, reducing perceived wait times as people wait for airplanes, buses, or trains. 

  10. Entertainment (Irish & UK Market) Today’s consumers expect immersive experiences from entertainment venues in both Ireland and the UK. Sports arenas, casinos, movie theaters, and bars can utilize digital signage to excite and engage visitors.